MCCA Board Current Response to Masks


With the issuance of Executive Order D 2020 138 it has raised concerns from many as to the issue of masks.  The concern from parents about their children wearing masks is understood and considered valid in the eyes of the MCCA School Board.

At this time, Moffat County Christian Academy has reviewed the Executive Order and sees no details that would sideline us at this time to continue to open our school in the fall as a mask free environment for our students and teachers. While other potential safety precautions such as hand washing, proper distancing, and parent/school cooperation in remaining home when sick are all being discussed further to create the most common sense, normalized return possible, masks are currently not seen at this time as a viable option for students in their learning environment. 

Even if the current order were to be in existence past the 30 days there are already avenues within the Executive Order that MCCA feels allow the removal of masks at school.


For students: First and foremost, even by the Executive Order students under 10 would not even remotely need to worry about masks. This leaves our 5th Grade and above students which MCCA feels that Section II (M) discussing activities that are exempt covers these students as well.  Section II (M)(4) states “Individuals who are receiving a personal service where the temporary removal of the face covering is necessary to perform the service.” This section also correlates with the same concept as section II (M)(2) for mask removal while eating. MCCA feels that a viable “personal service” is being offered our students and that masks would impede upon the necessary performance of that service.


For teachers Section II (M)(8) is quite clear that as they perform their duties at the school as a teacher giving broadcast to an audience of students would not need to be in a mask.


MCCA absolutely wants to be obedient to scripture such as Romans 13:1 “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.” However, this subjection to governing authorities allows us the freedom to operate within what that law says and MCCA feels they have reviewed and feel comfortable with their fall opening plan, not only in the confines of the Executive Order, but also in the eyes of God.


The response to what is happening in our nation and across the world is at best always fluid and at times seems chaotic, however our goal and what we see as our responsibility is to react as Christians above all else. We absolutely want safety for our children, but we also want so much more for them as well. This topic will be open for questions at our monthly Board/Parents/Teachers Meeting on July 23 from 6:30-7:30 pm at Moffat County Christian Academy.

Thank You and Be Absolutely His,

Matthew Hippely, Chairman MCCA